A great need for AWE is to get one or more presses like this Makiga soil block press, to make stabilized soil blocks to build water storage tanks. An incredible amount of water will come off the roof of the planned grain storehouse, and the current design plans include putting gutters on the roof but no storage. The women can make the tanks themselves, once they have the press and someone to train them.

Then they can use the same press to build a school (only two of the six villages have primary schools), temporary storage sheds for holding harvest during the days it is being sun-dried, so the bags of drying grain will not have to stored on the floor of their huts, displacing the family to outside to safeguard the grain at night. So many things can be made with this press, which makes building blocks/bricks from 90% local clay, and 10% cement powder to make it strong and a little water. When dried, the blocks last along time. So far, some walls of a house have lasted ten years.